Friday, August 15, 2008

Don't blink......

Yes....don't blink! In the course of my daily normal (OK it's my normal and maybe not yours) routine, I have now added a working teenager. I now have to drive him to and from work....yes we hounded him to find a job but now it means more driving for us....well let me re-phrase that he is driving my car to work while I sit in the passenger seat making comments left and right...I knew I could not control myself as soon as I became the passenger. The first week of work was not so bad but last night he worked until 11pm and for those of you that know me...11pm are you kidding me I have to be up at 6am so that I can get my day started....that wasn't so bad because we came home and he did not have dinner so I rassled up some goodies and it was his time to wind down; surprisingly I found myself HAPPY to be up late and spending time with my oldest because alone time with him is hard to I sat there having a conversation with my baby I got emotional and had to walk away for a little while....I BLINKED! There he was a young man with a job, a schedule that I cannot even imagine (and it is summertime), a girlfriend, a big brother who is truly good to his siblings and a son that just makes me proud every single day! Today is another day he is at an SAT course, then he will pick up his football gear only to come home, have lunch and get ready to go to work again....I am going to try and keep my BLINKING to a minimum because as they say (not sure who they are)....if you blink you will miss it!

1 comment:

the mama bird diaries said...

Sounds like you are raising a great son.