Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Field Trip

Well it's that time of year....we are all getting on school buses and heading to our favorite sarcasm here! I went to the Franklin Institute and walked and walked and walked some more....while I did have a great time keeping up with six 8 year old girls I found it was quite a challenge. I found myself counting 1,2,3,-6 every 10-15 seconds just making sure the headcount was accurate and I did not lose anyone along the way. We ran from this exhibit to that exhibit and I realized they did not care what the story behind anything was they just wanted to get to everything and run's that one day free pass thing...I remember it in school...the field trip was something you looked forward to all year long. I also realized that I did get my exercise in...has anyone seen the steps at the Franklin Institute? Up and down up and down we was actually nice to get back on that bus and SIT! Well I survived another field trip, the singing on the bus, the snacks, the goofing around....I remember it the end of the day I may have been tired and counting only to 6 may have gotten to me during the day...BUT I was very happy to have spent the day with my daughter and the other 5 girls in the class...I realized how lucky I was to have been able to make THE FIELD TRIP!

Well back to the normal day grind today....but I will reflect and smile when I think of my field trip!

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