Monday, July 14, 2008

There comes a day.......

There comes a day when you realize you have to watch what you say....yesterday was one of those days. It's Sunday afternoon and we have no baseball games to get to so my husband takes Austin to his friend's baseball game, Adam is at a friends house and it's just me an my little princess at home. I was thinking quiet time watch a little tv, relax NOT. My little princess is bored, nobody is around so we decide to play some games. Monopoly lasted an hour (I must have been playing the game wrong all these years) my little princess told me the rules are a little different now...ok so I believed her....after Monopoly we played LIFE (now I never knew the rules on how to play this game) and instead of reading the directions I decided I COULD MAKE UP THE RULES...she did not like that very much my little princess who is BY THE BOOK! Well in between playing these fun games I needed a little break was a little hungry so I sneak into the kitchen while she is setting up the I think I have some time...and even though I am on a diet, I think one donut can't hurt I have been working the meantime my little princess appears in the kitchen ready for the game...she asks me if I plan on eating that donut and how many points is that donut (if you don't know about points then you don't know about weight watchers)....well of course I respond by letting her know it is ok because I worked out this morning....not good picture little princess standing in the kitchen with her hands firmly planted on her hips, clenched fists..and she says..."Don't you dare think you can come running to me to complain about your weight, I am not going to want to hear it" and walks out of the I sit there and contemplate do I eat this donut or do I walk away...30 seconds later she is in the kitchen again..and she now is a little testy...again she tells me " I told you I don't want to hear it", and walks out....well now I am a little anxious what do I do...and is she going to walk in again....I was actually worried that she would come into the kitchen before I got yelled at again, I quickly put the donut away and went back to playing the game of LIFE...isn't that ironic....

Morale of the story: Don't tell your kids you are on a diet and don't tell them which one...because if they are anything like my kids....they will ask you to document your daily food intake and daily exercise regimen so they can check it.....oh I failed to mention my little princess is only 8 years old....I better stay in line!!!!!!

1 comment:

the mama bird diaries said...

Wow the tables turn pretty early, don't they?! Funny post.