Wednesday, May 21, 2008

This Can't Be Normal...

OK, I know that laundry sucks. I also know that everyone loses an occasional sock or two. How, no one knows...we just know that this is a universal mystery. No witty observation here. however, is this normal?

Yes, those are TWO laundry baskets full of socks. I believe at one time one basket was filled with singles, and the other was just socks that I needed to sort and fold together. Which I never did. And now they've meshed. And now this is the result. Every morning I dig through for a pair of socks for each kid. I can't bring myself to sort the socks. It's a mental thing. I think tomorrow I'll throw them all out, go to Target, and buy 7 new pair of socks for each of us and just start over. Is there some kind of charitable organization that collects used, unmatched socks so I don't feel like such a laundry failure? If so, please let me know.


the mama bird diaries said...

Those baskets of socks are hilarious!

Ellen Reilly said...

Too funny! When you solve the mystery, please share!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Yes, Yes! When I saw this picture I thought I was looking at my baskets of socks!

I have continually thought of throwing them out but when I think of the money I spent on those socks I just keep them. Only problem here is that I still buy more and more so I don't have to navigate those dreadful basket only to find the new, just purchased socks are ending up in the monster baskets as well.

On occasion I overpay for the socks with the colored rings at the ankle so, in my mind, I could pair them easily. That didn't work either!