Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hello, September...

Ok, so here's me 'cause school starts tomorrow.

Now, anyone who knows me can clearly see that this, in fact, is not actually a photo of me. I sure as hell can't jump that high. But check this out...

I can rock climb. Now, I know that I am a brave woman for posting this photo, but I had to share the laughter. This is actually me. As you can tell from the wide ass. What you can't tell from this angle (thank you to my wonderful husband) is that I am standing at the bottom of the wall. And this is as far as I got. And it was difficult. Do you see my calf muscles bulging? Seriously, I don't know how that Spiderman guy does it. Oh yes, we got wild and crazy on our vacation to Western PA...
I shot a paintball gun...

I closed my eyes and allowed my children to pet filthy animals...

Even Mike let loose and relaxed a bit...

And Emily, who started the week like this...(she is so much like me, it's scary!)

Ended the week like this...

Watch out, Phelps.

1 comment:

the mama bird diaries said...

I want to hang with you all. Looks like fun!