Friday, August 15, 2008
Don't blink......
Yes....don't blink! In the course of my daily normal (OK it's my normal and maybe not yours) routine, I have now added a working teenager. I now have to drive him to and from work....yes we hounded him to find a job but now it means more driving for us....well let me re-phrase that he is driving my car to work while I sit in the passenger seat making comments left and right...I knew I could not control myself as soon as I became the passenger. The first week of work was not so bad but last night he worked until 11pm and for those of you that know me...11pm are you kidding me I have to be up at 6am so that I can get my day started....that wasn't so bad because we came home and he did not have dinner so I rassled up some goodies and it was his time to wind down; surprisingly I found myself HAPPY to be up late and spending time with my oldest because alone time with him is hard to I sat there having a conversation with my baby I got emotional and had to walk away for a little while....I BLINKED! There he was a young man with a job, a schedule that I cannot even imagine (and it is summertime), a girlfriend, a big brother who is truly good to his siblings and a son that just makes me proud every single day! Today is another day he is at an SAT course, then he will pick up his football gear only to come home, have lunch and get ready to go to work again....I am going to try and keep my BLINKING to a minimum because as they say (not sure who they are)....if you blink you will miss it!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Party Animal...
My friend Elise is the ultimate party planner. Her kids parties always rock. Spa parties complete with cucumber eye masks...

(yes, she's asleep...but that's because she had
a rockin' time at the spa party.)
sock hops with root beer floats, and poodle skirts

Last night was no exception. She threw a kick ass luau for her 7 year old, Dani. We made awesome cupcakes, and rockin' party favors...

The decorations were totally professional...palm trees, hibiscus flowers...the works.
Here's the problem.
Now my kids want their birthday parties at home. I'm a die hard McDonalds or skating rink party girl. No need for party favors to be "theme" oriented. Whatever they have at the dollar store is just fine by me.
But Nooooo. Now my kids want the all out, totally theme inspired, creative home party.
So this morning my kids started throwing out ideas for their parties. Which are not until December and February. We giggled as we thought of ideas, until...
Jenna shouted..."I want to have a naked party!"
Yeah, the teenage years in my house should be great. I'm buying stock in Xanax and reserving my spot at Shady Pines.
Wish me luck!
(yes, she's asleep...but that's because she had
a rockin' time at the spa party.)
sock hops with root beer floats, and poodle skirts
Last night was no exception. She threw a kick ass luau for her 7 year old, Dani. We made awesome cupcakes, and rockin' party favors...
The decorations were totally professional...palm trees, hibiscus flowers...the works.
Here's the problem.
Now my kids want their birthday parties at home. I'm a die hard McDonalds or skating rink party girl. No need for party favors to be "theme" oriented. Whatever they have at the dollar store is just fine by me.
But Nooooo. Now my kids want the all out, totally theme inspired, creative home party.
So this morning my kids started throwing out ideas for their parties. Which are not until December and February. We giggled as we thought of ideas, until...
Jenna shouted..."I want to have a naked party!"
Yeah, the teenage years in my house should be great. I'm buying stock in Xanax and reserving my spot at Shady Pines.
Wish me luck!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Beds be gone.....
Here's my dilemma.....the kids won't sleep in their beds!!!! NO they are not the little kids that you are thinking of that cry at night and climb into bed with you....they are 8, 12 and 16...and I can never find a child in a bed...I came home last night after a wonderful evening with my girlfriends only to find that not only were my children not in their beds, but now they are multiplying and sprawled all over my family room....I counted 6 bodies in my family room, three bodies in the basement, and OH I found Marc in a bed. I ask does an 8 year old sleep in a chair, granted it is a glider but nevertheless a CHAIR..what was she thinking? While making breakfast for all these wonderful children (OK so I bought wawa breakfast sandwiches) I decided it was time to ask the question...WHY DIDN'T ANYONE SLEEP IN A BED? As you can imagine they all jumped in with answers..NOT....I could not get any of them to answer I have decided I am just going to do away with beds, bed making, sheet cleaning because NO ONE IN MY HOUSE sleeps in a bed....well maybe Marc but I gotta tell ya he sometimes does not make it off that couch. I on the other hand love my BED!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Miss Popularity...
By accident, I joined Facebook. I got some random email that someone wanted to be my "friend" so I clicked, and next thing I know, my entire address book gets a message that I want them to be my facebook friends. Totally bizarre. Anyway, I'm proud to say that I have 49 friends. And I know what they are doing at any given moment. For example, I know what someone is eating. I know that someone else is getting ready to go to a birthday party. I even know what some people are anticipating..."so and so can't wait to go fishing this weekend!" My question is ... Who gives a crap? I have always been of the mindset that if I didn't keep in touch with you from high school/college/etc., then I really don't care what you're up to these days. You are either married with a couple of kids, like me, or you're not. Either way, I don't really care. And if you are doing something more exciting than that, I don't want to know that either, just to make me feel like my life is boring and sucky. If you are not someone from my sordid past, then you are one of my current friends or aquaintences. In which case, I see or speak to you on the phone probably daily, if not once a week or so. However, I will admit, it is an obsession for me to get more "friends." Some people have over 300!! Wow, they must be really cool and popular! I gotta get me some of that.
Anyway, chat later...gotta go check out "My Space"
Anyway, chat later...gotta go check out "My Space"
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Traveling Pants
Well I decided to start running about 6 weeks ago (OK it's not all running I mix it up with some walking) but I am now up to 5-6 miles a day, except when my kids need to be at the high school for some sport in the evening, at which point I add another 4-5 miles...I know you are thinking NUTS or WOW and neither should apply...because for those of you that know me I am "INSTANT GRATIFICATION" and everything I do is in abundance...some would say I have what....I don't have a problem with that; although that explains the fact I can't sit still for any length of time, except when I am enjoying my glass of wine (but that's a topic for another blog). Back to my run/walk....I have lost weight and still have lots more to go but I now have my adorable, cute LITTLE Levi's...yes I refer to them as adorable and cute...BECAUSE THEY ARE SO LITTLE! Who knew I was that small at one point.
I also mix my workout up, on Wed. I run/walk and work out with my dear "chub club" friends...although you can't call us the chub club for too much longer. Last Wed. we did a spin I know why I never did spin before...YOU HAVE TO STAND AND RIDE THE STATIONARY BIKE for many minutes at a time.....52 minutes later, I survived and was sweating like i never knew that I could. I do have to admit I thought I was going to lose my dinner from the night before in the first few minutes of the class... And who invented that? But the real reason I am doing all of this is my Levi's they gotta fit at some point. So from now on on Wed. when our little chub club is working out I will be bringing the "traveling Levi's" as my goal.....but I think I will suggest we all have to fit into them....our version of the 40 something traveling pants!
Stay tuned....I will get a picture of the pants on the blog.....and I will at some point get a picture of our Chub Club in the "Traveling Levi's"......Don't you want to know how little they are?
Who really cares about all this exercise....its all about my LEVI'S......I admit it!!!!!
I also mix my workout up, on Wed. I run/walk and work out with my dear "chub club" friends...although you can't call us the chub club for too much longer. Last Wed. we did a spin I know why I never did spin before...YOU HAVE TO STAND AND RIDE THE STATIONARY BIKE for many minutes at a time.....52 minutes later, I survived and was sweating like i never knew that I could. I do have to admit I thought I was going to lose my dinner from the night before in the first few minutes of the class... And who invented that? But the real reason I am doing all of this is my Levi's they gotta fit at some point. So from now on on Wed. when our little chub club is working out I will be bringing the "traveling Levi's" as my goal.....but I think I will suggest we all have to fit into them....our version of the 40 something traveling pants!
Stay tuned....I will get a picture of the pants on the blog.....and I will at some point get a picture of our Chub Club in the "Traveling Levi's"......Don't you want to know how little they are?
Who really cares about all this exercise....its all about my LEVI'S......I admit it!!!!!
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