Wednesday, November 5, 2008
What did you do with your days off?????
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Hello, September...
SCHOOL DAYS ARE HERE...Yeah...not so fast...
Friday, August 15, 2008
Don't blink......
Friday, August 8, 2008
Party Animal...
(yes, she's asleep...but that's because she had
a rockin' time at the spa party.)
sock hops with root beer floats, and poodle skirts
Last night was no exception. She threw a kick ass luau for her 7 year old, Dani. We made awesome cupcakes, and rockin' party favors...
The decorations were totally professional...palm trees, hibiscus flowers...the works.
Here's the problem.
Now my kids want their birthday parties at home. I'm a die hard McDonalds or skating rink party girl. No need for party favors to be "theme" oriented. Whatever they have at the dollar store is just fine by me.
But Nooooo. Now my kids want the all out, totally theme inspired, creative home party.
So this morning my kids started throwing out ideas for their parties. Which are not until December and February. We giggled as we thought of ideas, until...
Jenna shouted..."I want to have a naked party!"
Yeah, the teenage years in my house should be great. I'm buying stock in Xanax and reserving my spot at Shady Pines.
Wish me luck!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Beds be gone.....
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Miss Popularity...
Anyway, chat later...gotta go check out "My Space"
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Traveling Pants
I also mix my workout up, on Wed. I run/walk and work out with my dear "chub club" friends...although you can't call us the chub club for too much longer. Last Wed. we did a spin I know why I never did spin before...YOU HAVE TO STAND AND RIDE THE STATIONARY BIKE for many minutes at a time.....52 minutes later, I survived and was sweating like i never knew that I could. I do have to admit I thought I was going to lose my dinner from the night before in the first few minutes of the class... And who invented that? But the real reason I am doing all of this is my Levi's they gotta fit at some point. So from now on on Wed. when our little chub club is working out I will be bringing the "traveling Levi's" as my goal.....but I think I will suggest we all have to fit into them....our version of the 40 something traveling pants!
Stay tuned....I will get a picture of the pants on the blog.....and I will at some point get a picture of our Chub Club in the "Traveling Levi's"......Don't you want to know how little they are?
Who really cares about all this exercise....its all about my LEVI'S......I admit it!!!!!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Farewell to Randy Pausch...
Monday, July 28, 2008
My friend Anna.....
I'd like to invite everyone to check this out... (973) 854-6963 - 3 minute Ernie and I are very excited and confident that this is an opportunity that we will be very happy that we did NOT miss. We recently became involved with 12-year publicly traded biotechnical company called GeneLink. They are about to launch (this Friday, Aug. 1st) their new product through their wholly-owned division called GeneWize. The product is a customized, DNA-guided nutritional supplement based on your own personalized DNA analysis. Getting in on ANYTHING this early would be huge, but I do feel that this will be the future of nutrition. It will be more effective AND economical in that we will only get what we NEED and can actually USE vs. guessing. More than anything else, the fact that we are on board PRE-LAUNCH with this opportunity is what really has us excited. Please investigate this as much or as little as need be and give me and/or Ernie a call/email. Thanks,Anna Ojea (Abril)(561)
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Amber Alert...
What? They don't look so tough? Not even with the "Beware I'm allergic to Peanuts" sticker plastered on the little one?
Well, think again.
At the shore this weekend, my kids wanted me to go on the rides with them. When I said "no way" my nephew asked..."Aunt Deb, what happened to your inner child?" He's 9, by the way.
So, that got me thinking... There was a time when I'd go on the rides. Swim in the ocean (ok...those of you who know me know that I was never an ocean swimmer, but go with me on this one...) Or at least frolic in the sand a little. Fine, by frolic I mean not get all bent out of shape if some sand gets on any part of my body except my feet. But now I'm just tired. And I think... "Where IS my inner child?"
I continued to ponder this as I drove up to Rutgers University, my alma mater, to meet up with my other nephew, who is 18.
Ahh, the memories. I thought back to those days with such joy, such vivid memories. "It wasn't so long ago that I trolled these streets," I said. My nephew pointed out that lots has changed since "back then." After all, it was a "very long time ago." Almost 20 years.
Here he is visiting me at RU back in 1991... and now.

Holy crap!! Seriously?? Where did that time go? Seems like yesterday. I feel like I could still go to the Knight Club or Olde Queens Tavern and fit right in... that is, if those places still exist.
So, although my kids would like to meet my "inner child" on the "Music Express" on the OC boardwalk, I'm pretty happy that my "inner 22 year old" is still alive and kicking.
Meet me at Olde Queens. I'll kick your butt in a beer chugging contest.
Monday, July 14, 2008
There comes a day.......
Morale of the story: Don't tell your kids you are on a diet and don't tell them which one...because if they are anything like my kids....they will ask you to document your daily food intake and daily exercise regimen so they can check it.....oh I failed to mention my little princess is only 8 years old....I better stay in line!!!!!!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Unanswered questions...
I don't I said...unanswered questions.
Another question that came to my mind this holiday weekend is, why do some men still consider the speedo to be a good choice? Naturally followed by, why do their friends and loved ones fail to inform them that there are options out there? I spent one day on the Ocean City beach this weekend with my friend Dina and her 4 kids. Yes, I said 4. Anyway, as luck would have it, my cameras battery died, but I swear this is true. All of a sudden about 40 men in speedos came jogging down the beach chanting some song in a foreign language. It was the most bizarre thing I've ever seen. So darn funny, but I was too busy seething that I didn't have my camera. I know they were European, but that still does not make the speedo a good choice. Nor does it make hairy armpits OK for women, but that's another story altogether.
But there are also things that will always questions asked...
Little boys will dig big holes...
Little girls will always stop playing to pose for a photo op...
And weekends at the beach with friends and family are truly what memories are made of...No questions asked.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Where's the camera when you need one......
Sunday, June 29, 2008
How fast they grow up...
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
This is the week I start.......
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Stress Reliever...
Saturday, June 14, 2008
40 and Fabulous...or at least WE think so...
But don't you hate it when you show up to a party in something totally fab, and someone has on the same outfit as you???
How embarrassing.
At first they tried to ignore each other, and hoped that no one would notice...
But then they realized that they were just two divas with impeccable fashion sense, and if anyone didn't like it, they could f*@% off.
Once we got past that awkward moment, all of us 40ish and almost 40ish hot mamas decided to leave the husbands and kids on the beach so that we could go to the Greenhouse for a celebratory drink or 3.
Yes, that's me on the left with my arm flab strategically positioned behind my friend's hat.
And my friend in the hat is drinking a drink called "The Pain in the Ass." Really, that's what it says on the menu. And this is not a misnomer (see previous post about misnomers.)
The Greenhouse is a happening hangout for the mid-20's crowd at night, the same crowd that hangs on this beach during the day. People who don't refer to places as "happening hangouts." People like this guy...
Lots of waxed chests and bare asses in thongs on this beach. We reminisced about when we used to hang out on this beach. It seems that every decade we move down a block. We now sit 2 blocks away from this, the Washington Ave. beach.
As we were leaving, a bit tipsy and giggling, we started chatting with this group next to us.
They asked if we had kids. My friend replied, "yes, I have four," to which the usual (and true) response is "wow, you look awesome...way too young to have kids, let alone four of them!" However, this young man responded very poorly by saying "wow, four kids...are any of them our age?"
It was a bit of a buzz kill, but we laughed. And we laughed some more as we walked back to the beach, past the block of 20 somethings with the bare chests and exposed asses, and past the block of 30 somethings, with the infants crying and tiny tots screaming about the sand and the heat, to our perfect block of 40 somethings. Our kids are old enough to be enjoying the beach and the ocean, and our husbands are almost responsible enough not to let this happen while we were gone...
Ah, yes...our 40's will be fabulous...
Managing Expectations, or Whats in a name?
What would you expect from Friendly's? A nice, welcoming staff; friendly, smiling faces. People happy to see kids eating ice cream...
All in all, we had an unfriendly but ultimately very pleasant evening, on a highway.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Picture This
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Meet Emily...
My Adorable Mom...(not a bad shot for a novice 4 year old photographer) And (you may ask yourself why my mom failed to inform me that Emily was doing head shots of her...but that's for another day...)
My Adorable Mom's Not-So-Adorable Shoes...
Still life of hose box and my adorable mom's elbow...
Still life of frisbee...
Artsy shot of me as seen through a chair....
And my absolute favorite...the artist's self portrait....
Camera, Shamera...
How can I ever be mad at that face???
P.S. has extended the use of the promo codes until the end of June. Use JUNE20OFF100 and get $20 off your order of $100 or more and JUNE50OFF200 for a $50 discount on any orders of $200 or more. Just click on the link on the right side of this page.